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Can I claim Government funding at Bingham Kindergarten for 3 and 4 year olds?

Yes, your child is entitled to funding from the first term after their third birthday up to 15 hours only. We will fill the forms for you to sign as the term starts. We do not accept 2 year old funded places under the EYO2 funded programme.


Am I able to order a smock?

Our smocks are made to order (£30) and will be waiting for your child's first day.

What should I bring each day?

Each day, please bring a change of clothing, weather-appropriate outerwear, a pair of named wellington boots (which we can store at the nursery), and an all in one hooded outdoor playsuit. Please do not dress your child in flip-flops or crocs as these can be a hazard. If your child is staying for lunch, please bring a packed lunch in a named lunchbox.

What happens at lunchtime?

Children who stay for lunch go to Mrs Hughes's classroom, which is arranged as a dining room at lunchtime. Please bring a healthy selection of finger-food and a drink - but no nut products, please. We deter children from sharing food to avoid allergies, and return whatever food is uneaten so you can monitor what you child has eaten. After lunch the children have free choice of toys and enjoy games with the teachers with plenty of outside time.

Where can I find a registration form?

Registration forms can be downloaded from this website by clicking on the location and forms section.

What about illness?

If your child is ill, to avoid cross-infection, please keep your child at home for 48 hours after their symptoms (such as vomiting and diarrhoea) have passed.

What about antibiotics?

We are not permitted to administer antibiotics for the first 48 hours after they are prescribed because we are not insured to do so in case your child develops a medical reaction.

Are your staff DBS checked (disclosure and barring services- the new CRB) and do they have a paediatric first aid certificate?

All staff are checked as required by law to have a DBS and all the staff have a paediatric first aid certificate..

Do you do early morning sessions?

We offer early morning sessions from 8.30-9am in Mrs Hughes' classroom at a cost of £3.50 per session.

What about settling in?

As each child is different, we are led by you on how best to introduce your child to the nursery and make them feel happy in new surroundings. Some parents prefer to stay with their child on their first visit; other children visit for half an hour a day; others for a couple of hours every other day. The decision is yours and can be reviewed on a daily basis until your child is happy to follow our standard hours. Our goal is to make your child's introduction to their first school a happy experience.

Does my child have to be potty trained?

No, but you will need to provide nappies, cream, wet wipes and scented bags as we do not store these at school. Please also keep us informed of your child’s potty training progress so that we can help support them. We hope the by the time the child reaches the pre-school class (turning 4) that they are potty trained or nearly there!

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